Al Kaamil Parler l'arabe


Learn the Arabic language to

Understand your religion

Work and Emigrate

Pass on to your children

Teach the community

Understand your religion


“The program is more effective than the programs offered at the University”

Oum Abderrahmen

“For me, the Merkez Al Kunuz program is among the most suitable for non-Arabic speakers”

Oum Moqbil

Founder of the El 'Ilm forum

An inaccessible universe

Is it really a problem in


of not understanding or speaking the Arabic language?

After all, the number of translated books is increasing every year and live translation applications are becoming more and more successful.

So what is the point?

“Learning the Arabic language is an obligation for every Muslim insofar as he needs it to fulfill his religious duties..”

Sheikh Al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah, Iqtidaa' al-Siraat al-Mustaqeem (2/207)

“Learn the Arabic language for it's part of your religion.”

Tafsir al-Tabari, 1/30

Beyond the importance of understanding the Arabic language in Islam, not mastering this language deprives you of access to an unexplored universe.

A universe where you no longer have to wait for a publishing house to translate works on topics that fascinate you.

A universe where you grasp your religion directly at its source.

A universe where new professional opportunities are available to you.

“There is a growing demand for Arabic speakers in various sectors, including international relations, finance, media, and translation services Employers increasingly value Arabic language skills when looking to enter new markets and expand their activities in the Middle East and North Africa.”

United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Essential Pillars

By mastering these four essential pillars, you will be able to understand and fully practice the Arabic language in all its dimensions, opening the doors to a wealth of knowledge and a world of opportunities.

Oral Expression 👄

Learn to speak fluently and with ease in Arabic to communicate effectively with native speakers and clearly express your ideas.

Written expression ✍️

Master writing in Arabic, being able to compose coherent and structured texts suitable for various professional or personal contexts.

Listening Comprehension 👂

Develop your ability to understand conversations in Arabic, lectures, speeches, and videos, in order to access a multitude of resources and information in this language.

Reading Comprehension 👀

Perfect your skill in reading and analyzing texts in Arabic, whether literature, press articles, official documents, or religious texts.

Flawed Programs.

Throughout our 17 years of experience, we have noticed that new students often exhibit imbalances in their language skills.

Some students master Arabic grammar at an advanced level but struggle with speaking or understanding a text.

Others are able to express themselves correctly orally but lack grammar knowledge and thus cannot read a text with ease.

These gaps are often the result of learning programs that do not cover the different spheres of the Arabic language in a balanced way, as well as a lack of immersion in this linguistic universe.

By choosing a learning program that addresses all language skills and immersing yourself in the Arabic language, you can overcome these imbalances and progress harmoniously in your learning journey until you reach mastery.

The 4 Language Spheres + Controlled Immersion = Success 💪

To effectively learn the Arabic language, it is essential to follow a program that covers the 4 language spheres and is taught in a controlled immersion environment, guided by a native speaker trained in this methodology.

Since 2006, Al Kunuz has been helping English speakers master the Arabic language, assisting them in achieving their personal and professional goals.

We offer a comprehensive program, a structured curriculum, and an experienced teaching team through our “Al Kaamil” program.

The program that will guide you step by step toward mastery.

The “Al Kaamil” program: This is our highly popular comprehensive program It is essential for students who need to progress in the Arabic language in a balanced way. Therefore, to master the 4 spheres of language:

  • Oral Expression 👄

  • Written expression ✍️

  • Oral comprehension 👂

  • Written comprehension 👀

It is suitable for all levels. From complete beginners (with no prior knowledge) to the most advanced levels.It is suitable for all levels. Both for beginners (Zero Knowledge) and for the most advanced levels.

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Al Kaamil Parler l'arabe
Next session









Number of sessions



Duration of a session


Type of session


Quantity of seats




Any Level

Minimum age

16 years



“I know brothers who study books in Medina and, alhamdoulillah, I realized that I have a much better level studying the Al Kunuz program with you”

Abu Hajar

The “Al Kaamil” program: discover its advantages...

Live classes

Immerse yourself in live classes (via Zoom) taught by experienced native Arabic-speaking teachers to practice speaking, listening, and expand your knowledge.

In immersion

100% Arabic courses for total immersion

Adapted Duration

1h40 sessions, an optimal duration for a complete curriculum without overloading your schedule.

Sustained Pace

Maintain your motivation with a sustained training pace that isn’t overwhelming. The full “Al Kaamil” group sessions last 3 months (13 weeks), with 2 sessions per week.

Collaborative environment

Practice in small groups of up to 5 students to foster interaction and conviviality.

Recognized framework

Position yourself within the CEFR reference grid for academic and professional situations, or simply assess the progress you’ve made and what you still need to accomplish.

Structured program

Master the 4 key skills for learning the Arabic language through the comprehensive “Al Kaamil” program, which covers these essential competencies.

Measured progress

Assess your progress with our mid-session and end-of-session exams to stay motivated and focused on achieving your goals.

Unlimited corrections

Benefit from unlimited corrections of your homework. The more you practice, the more you will progress. Receive feedback from your teacher on all the assignments you submit.

Ongoing Feedback

After each class, receive a detailed report of your progress during the session, as well as a summary of the tasks completed and to be done (homework).

Personalized assessment

Know where you are and if you are on the path to success. Your teacher will send you a personalized mid-session assessment of your strengths and areas for improvement.

Celebrate your success

Your efforts will be rewarded by the sending of a certificate of success, mentioning your final grade, and a special mention.

Who can join the "Al Kaamil" program?

Access to the group sessions of the “Al Kaamil” program is open only 3 times a year.

The next session will start on






To join the students who will attend the sessions, you must meet the following requirements :

Be ready to seriously commit to the immersion method (100% Arabic classes): This is THE essential method to master spoken and understood literary Arabic.

Be ready to take charge of your success (attendance, homework, revision, etc.): Of course, we are not looking for the perfect student, but to make your investment (time and money) worthwhile, it is crucial to put in place the necessary means.

Commit to the entire session, which lasts 13 weeks. Spaces are limited (only 5 students per group), so if you’re not ready to complete the session, don’t start it.

Be 16 years of age or older.

How to register?


Level test

To move forward, it is essential to know your starting point.

The level test takes place live with one of our teachers, who will assess your mastery of the four language skills.

After this test, you will receive your result based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and its correspondence with the “Al Kaamil” program.

The cost of the test is 7€, which will be deducted upon registration, making it free if you become a student.

Book your test


Selecting your group

During step 1, You will have communicated availability to us.

Group schedules will be established based on majority availability.

You will be informed of the available groups corresponding to your level and invited to reserve your place.

Price: 197€ for 3 months of classes (26 sessions of 1h40) (A two-part payment option is available).


Access to the universe of Al Kunuz

Once your spot is reserved, you will receive your login details for the platform, your schedule, your program, and all the necessary information to follow your classes.

What do our students and parents of students say about us

“The program is more effective than the programs offered at the University”

Oum Abderrahmen

“I understand Arabic well, I no longer need a translation, I can even ask questions directly to the chouyoukh, I read that religious books in Arabic and really Macha Allah are a delight!! ... I really wonder what level I would have had if I hadn't done al Kunuz!!???? ”

Abu Jannet

Completed our “Al Kaamil” program

“As most students point out, the strong point of this Merkez is that the student evolves very quickly when speaking and can therefore communicate with the teachers from the first sessions.”

Oum Imrane

“I studied the Arabic language throughout my childhood until my early teens in a mosque school. I thought I was at a very good level and was quite confident. I even taught my husband to read. But by starting the program 100% in Arabic, I found myself at the lowest level! I was unable to name the letters of the alphabet (I didn't even know their names were spelled!! ) and I was of course unable to dialogue in Arabic, even to introduce myself... What a waste of time... With the program in Arabic, in not even 1 month I had already done a good job and could make myself understood by my teacher. That's what convinced me about the effectiveness of the immersion method.”

Ummu Luqman

“Don't be discouraged by the fact that everything is in Arabic: It's the strong point of the merkez! You will understand Arabic directly without needing to do any translation in your head, you will listen to it and understand it naturally as if you were an Arabic speaker:) I live in England today and I learned English in France at school when I arrived here I spoke English and only understood it by translating everything in my head It WAS a Catastrophe lol, but with Arabic it was much simpler Al Hamdulilhah In summary, I recommend the Merkez to everyone and advise you to persevere in your efforts. You will be amazed at the professionalism of the administration and the professors.”

Abou Moussa

Completed our “Al Kaamil” program

“For me Al Kunuz has become like a member of my family, I can't do without it anymore))). The fact that this is as serious both in terms of courses and administration motivates me even more, because I tell myself that at the agreed time my teacher is waiting for me.”

Oum Jounayd

Completed our “Al Kaamil” program

“I know brothers who study books in Medina and, alhamdoulillah, I realized that I have a much better level studying the Al Kunuz program with you”

Abu Hajar

“I enrolled in Al Kunuz without much conviction, I started directly at level two and I really felt a difference, in that you had to speak, understand and be understood exclusively in Arabic AND THAT IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS!!! ... really now I regret that only one thing is that I didn't start earlier!!!! ... I understand Arabic well, I no longer need a translation, I can even ask questions directly to the chouyoukh, I read that religious books in Arabic and really Macha Allah are a delight!! ... I really wonder what level I would have had if I hadn't done al Kunuz!!???? ”

Abu Jannet

Completed our “Al Kaamil” program

“I want to say that the Merkez Al Kunuz is, in my opinion, for someone who is in Europe, the best way to learn Arabic”

Abou Moussa

“For me, the Merkez Al Kunuz program is among the most suitable for non-Arabic speakers”

Oum Moqbil

Founder of the El 'Ilm forum

FAQ (Frequently asked questions)

What are the requirements to register?

Knowledge requirements:

None. The program is aimed at all levels, from the very beginner (without any knowledge) to the most advanced learners.

Hardware requirements:

— A stable internet connection

— A computer or tablet with a screen large enough to take the courses

— A keyboard with Arabic letters, stickers to add them to your existing keyboard or, failing that, the use of a virtual keyboard on your computer or via a website (although less comfortable).

Other important requirements:

— Be ready to fully invest in your success (attending classes, doing your homework, reviewing your lessons, etc.). We are not looking for the perfect student, but it is crucial to implement the necessary means to make the most of your investment (time and money).

— Commit yourself for the entire duration of the session, i.e. 13 weeks. The number of seats is limited (5 students per group), if you are not ready to finish the session, do not start it.

— Be 16 years of age or older

Who is this program for?

This program is designed for anyone who wants to master the Arabic language, regardless of their level.

It covers all levels, from the very beginner (without any prior knowledge) to the most advanced learners.

What medium is used for the training?

We use a medium that we have created and developed for 17 years.

How long does the program last?

Each session lasts 3 months (26 sessions), with 2 sessions of 1h40 per week.

A session corresponds to one level.

How do I determine my level?

To know your level in the 4 language areas, you will have to take a level test with one of our teachers.

In what language do the courses take place?

Classes take place exclusively in literary Arabic. We are convinced of the benefits of immersion and have developed our controlled immersion method.

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have shown that “immersion learning creates brain connections similar to those of native speakers. However, it is essential that the audio material be authentic, that is, from people whose mother tongue is native.” (Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience — M.I.T).

To effectively learn the Arabic language, it is therefore crucial to immerse yourself in this language in the company of a native speaker.

To find out more about our method,

How many students are there per group?

Each group has between 2 and 5 students.

Where does the training take place?

The training takes place entirely online, live with a native teacher via Zoom.

How is the course schedule drawn up?

The schedule is determined according to the students enrolled.

The schedules are sent 3 weeks before the start of classes so that you can choose your group.

What are the dates of the sessions this year?

The next sessions will take place on the following dates, insha Allah:

- May 1, 2024
- September 11, 2024
- december 18, 2024

What is the cost of the training?

The course costs €197. There are no registration fees. The book is offered.

Do you offer discounts?

We offer a preferential rate only for students from the previous session.

Thus, if you register for the next session at the normal rate (€197), you can continue your training at the next level at a preferential rate.

We do not offer discounts in other cases.

Payment in two installments is available to facilitate your registration.

What level will you reach after completing the training?

📈 Our program, developed in 12 levels, extends from learning to read up to a C2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (either the end of high school or the beginning of university). You can consult the details by clicking here.

📚 This program is based on several recognized books in the field of Arabic, as well as on the skills and experience of our team (composed of members with degrees in Arabic and pedagogy). It covers all 4 language skills (listening, reading, speaking and writing) and comes in levels ranging from -1 (beginner) to 10. A level is generally studied over 35 to 40 hours.

It is important to note that the level achieved depends on each student, their abilities, their previous background and the work done.

📚 Starting at the beginner level (-1), you will be able to communicate with your teacher correctly at level 2 or 3 and begin to understand various texts such as newspapers. At level 4, you will be able to understand religious courses and Friday sermons, although you will always be confronted with new vocabulary. Acquiring the Arabic language is a constant search, but you will nevertheless understand the overall meaning of a speech.

🕌 Regarding the comprehension of the Quran, you will reach level 6. You will also have an easier time looking for the origin of a word and finding its translation.

️🗣️ As for oral expression, it starts at the beginner level with simple dialogues. Since the courses are exclusively in Arabic, you will have to communicate with the teacher in this language. Starting at level 2, you will be able to have a proper discussion.

In the end, after all 12 levels, you will reach a level of grammar equivalent to that of Alfiya Ibn Malik** and will master all the grammatical rules in detail. You will be able to understand and converse with Arabic speakers, to read a book without vowels with ease and without errors, and to understand religious courses and more complex texts (such as poetry).

Learning this magnificent language, the language of the Quran, will allow you to understand our religion without going through another language and open up new professional opportunities in the Arabic-speaking world.

Our aim is that at the end of the levels, with the help of Allah, you will be able to read, write and speak Arabic with ease.

In short, our program aims to offer you the necessary tools to master the Arabic language and communicate with ease and confidence in this language.

With the help of Allah, we will support you throughout this exciting and rewarding learning journey.

**Alfiya Ibn Malik is a famous poem by Ibn Malik (peace be upon him) and an essential work for studying grammar (An-Nahu) and morphology. It is very used by grammarians and scientists in general, because it allows, for those who study it and those who memorize it, to have all the rules of grammar and “conjugation” (sarf) in the form of a poem.

Can I study this program as a private course?

The “Al Kaamil” program can be studied in private lessons, according to your preferences and needs.

However, it is important to take into account the differences between private lessons and group lessons before making your choice.

Cours Privés Cours Collectifs
Exercice de groupe
Bilan automatique
Certificat de fin de session
Étudier à son propre rythme
Un cadre qui facilite la complétion du niveau
Apprendre des erreurs de vos camarades
Ne pas attendre son tour
Compétition positive
Compagnon d’étude
Prix économique
Flexibilité du planning
Début des cours immédiat

It is essential to choose the format that best suits your priorities and needs.

If you're looking for more support and want to reach your goals more quickly, group lessons are a great option.

On the other hand, if you need more time and your schedule is limited, private lessons may be the solution.

What equipment is required?

A stable internet connection, a computer, a headset, a microphone and a keyboard in Arabic.

Regarding the Arabic keyboard, you can instead buy Arabic letter stickers to stick on your keyboard (for sale online).

Our classes are compatible with all media: Windows, Mac as well as tablets and smartphones, however for more comfort we recommend that you study on a computer (to have a keyboard at your disposal).

How do you make the payment?

Payment is made by credit card (managed by our payment partner Stripe). Payment is secure.

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